You may know about the period of ‘gold fever’ in America when many people tried to put their life by looking for gold mine. Mr. R. U. Darby, recently known as the biggest insurance agent in America, together with his uncle decided to be a gold hunter. Digging gold and become rich, that’s his uncle expectation, but he didn’t know yet that human brain has the most potential gold mine than ever. Then, finally he got the mine and began his digging. Fortunately, he found the gold ore after several weeks digging and told it to his family and neighbors. They all gave money contribution to bought digger machine and immediately sent it to the place which will give them plentiful gold.
It seems that they had already found what they want. The gold mine gave them great earnings, so they could wipe their debt away and thought that they had found the most plentiful gold mine. The machine dug more and more, but the soil layer containing gold ore suddenly disappear. They’re still with the expectation to get the most plentiful gold mine, so they tried to dig more than before. However, they found nothing, felt hopeless and decided to end this useless effort. At last, the machine was sold to secondhand stuff seller about some hundred dollars and they left the gold mine.
The smart seller called engineer to check out the abandoned gold mine and did some calculations. The engineer told him that the former owner (Mr. Darby and his uncle) didn’t know about the term “fault lines”. The calculation result shown that soil layer containing abundant gold was THREE REMAINING FEET FROM THE LAST DIGGING, it means 3 REMAINING FEET FROM THE POINT WHERE DARBY’S FAMILY END THEIR DIGGING. Of course, the seller finally got millions from the gold mine.
The gold mine experience gave Mr. Darby a worth message about avoiding desperateness and found that his will can be altered into gold. Then he took insurance policy business and applied his experience to succeed in his new business. He might end his three remaining feet digging to gold mine but he never stop offering insurance policy, although many applicant denied it.
I’d like to say to my dear reader, that failure is most likely come into someone which is close to success. So, why do you stop?
Inspirational Quotes
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Three Remaining Feet to Gold Mine
Posted by Ted at 6:52 PM 2 comment(s)
Tag: belief, inspiration, power of desire
Thursday, March 13, 2008
What do you feel when you see a baby? Personally, I just feel happy when I see them, moreover while they're sleeping or laughing. Their sincere face, cute smile and their sight that bring full of affection always make people happy to see and being close to them. Have you ever seen the sight of baby with full of hatred? I guess the answer is not. In fact, they have spirit comes from the same Creator, God, just like what we have now.
The great kindheartedness of baby or child makes them easy to give forgiveness, away from revenge and hatred. They also have openness to what the other say, so they can easily get knowledge that come to them. Let I tell you another child characteristics that also we have ever: honest, loving sincerely, fast learner, full of joy, brave to try new thing, persistent and away from suspicious feeling. Obviously, we all have the childhood and its characteristics, which means we are honest, we love each other sincerely, a fast learner and so on. But, where do those characteristics has gone from us now?
As we're growing becomes a mature human being, the hatred, revenge and other negative attitudes or expressions are also growing. Physic has thrown away our childhood characteristics and dominated our soul, so everything is counted by physical dimension. However physical dimension and soul dimension are different. We can not assess soul dimension with physical measurement. If we do so, then we can not understand the truly greatness of our soul. Don't let our physic take our soul if you don't want to lose your amazing soul.
Posted by Ted at 10:04 AM 2 comment(s)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Spiritual Needs
Term ‘Spiritual’ comes from ‘spirit’, ‘spiritus’ which means breathe or form of purely-made alcohol. That’s why spirituality could be represented as a something pure and it includes thought, feeling and our character. Spirituality doesn’t refer to some religion, although they are closely inter-related. Consequently, no matter what our religion is, moreover, the most important thing is who we (our spirit) are exactly.
Hierarchy of Needs, written by Abraham Maslow cited that every single person experiencing phase of needs includes:
- Physiological Needs, e.g. clothing, food, resident, and biological needs.
- Safety Needs, e.g. job (financial) security, free from pressure or other threatening situation.
- Social Needs, e.g. friendship, family, interaction and affection.
- Esteem Needs, e.g. prestige, status, honor and self-worth.
- Self-actualization Needs, e.g. self fulfillment by maximizing self potential and giving influence to surrounding.
According to Maslow statement, spiritual experience is a peak experience, the farthest reaches of human nature. Furthermore, he even state that spiritual experience has going beyond humanness, identity, self-actualization, and the like. Remember that actually we are spiritual being, like France philosopher, Teilhard de Chardin said, “we are not human beings having spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having human experiences.”
Posted by Ted at 8:50 AM 1 comment(s)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Power of Desire
The power of desire is an unlimited source to create what you want. But, why most of people can't still achieving what they have planned to, their wishes, and everything they wanted to in the future? Simply, because they aren't sure and they don't have belief about themselves. Doubtfulness, have no confident, thinking incapable can lead us to disbelieve ourself. The power of desire never comes into that kind of people.
I can tell you a short story about someone named Edwin C. Barnes. He proved that people can be rich by thinking of being rich. It's started by simple expectation, but that's CLEAR and CERTAIN. He just want to be Edison (Thomas Alfa Edison) business partner, although Mr. Edison doesn't know who he is before. When Mr. Barnes finally met and stood in front of Mr. Edison, he most likely looks like pauper. But Mr. Edison saw that he had the power of desire and the power to survive to reach successfulness. Mr. Edison only gave him a chance to work in his office with minimum salary and doing some unimportant role. But, Mr. Barnes exactly treat it as an important thing because it's a chance to show what he actually can do for his business partner.
Time passes by and Mr. Barnes still with his position. Nevertheless, he didn't meant to turn into another kind of job, he still focus with his long-sticked desire. One day, Mr. Edison just had released his new invention, an office tool called Edison Dictate Machine (Ediphone). All salesman don't have any enthusiasm to distribute that tools, except Mr. Barnes. They thought that customers don't have any demand to buy those products. But Mr. Barnes saw it as his big chance ever. He's SURE that he can sell those products and state it to Mr. Edison. And what's happened then? Mr. Barnes has proved himself by successfully distributed those products with spectacular result. Mr. Edison appreciated it by giving him contract to distribute his products to all America. This partnership has turned up into a slogan, "Made by Edison, Installed by Barnes", and also turned up Mr. Barnes to become a rich man.
Literally, now Mr. Barnes is a Mr. Edison business partner. He don't have any money to start a business at all except desire about what he want, clearly and surely. He always stand up with his desire until he achieve it.
I hope that story can inspire you about desire and the power attached with it. And remember...YOU HAVE THE POWER.
Posted by Ted at 1:43 AM 3 comment(s)
Tag: barnes, belief, desire, edison, power of desire, power of thinking, self confident